Take Me to the Greek Marinated Steak & Zucchini Tots

This Piece Meal post takes us to Greece. I could taste the Mediterranean vibes throughout this meal! This meal started for me with the side. It was summer, and my Aunt’s garden was popping with zucchini and I wanted to do something I hadn’t before. I stumbled across the Greek Zucchini Tots recipe and went down the search rabbit hole from there. Many pages and blogs later I found the Greek Marinated Flank Steak and knew I had a winner. The oregano and lemon in the marinade and tots work to tie the flavors together. There are enough nuances that you don’t get bored halfway through your meal.

The marinade for the steak is in an olive oil and lemon juice base. The Greek flavors come from oregano and mint. With the added mustard and soy sauce, the flavor is rounded. How long you let the steak soak up the marinade is up to you. I chose 8 hours and it worked out great, bringing out great flavor in the steak. I did cook the steak on the cooktop since I didn’t have a grill. I ended up needing to cut the steak in half since it was too big to fit in my fry pan. I also needed to get inventive with basting the steak while it cooked. You can always use a spoon, but I used a silicone brush. Five minutes on each side and then a 5-minute rest before cutting was pretty perfect to get a nice medium-rare.

Before I cooked the steak, I made the zucchini tot mixture. I made sure to start early to give the zucchini time to get some liquid out so I didn’t end up with mushy tots. Mushy is alright for porridge, but not tots. I think I made them a bit too large because they didn’t crisp up the way I was expecting but I was still happy with the flavor. I used store-bought Tzatziki, but it is fairly easy to make if you want to go all out and make everything. The recipe is included with the tots in the link.

This is meal takes a bit of time, so it is not the best option for a weeknight meal, but it worked out great on my weekend. Everyone who ate it was very happy. I made up a salad and topped it with some of the extra feta left from making the tots and kalamata olives to get some extra greens. I also spoiled myself and picked up some stuffed grape leaves! I can never get enough of them. I hope I’ve saved you a little meal planning time, so now get out there and make this meal! Don’t forget to download your free shopping list to make it easy at the grocery store. This meal will serve at least 4, with some tots to spare.

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