Guild Wars 2 Fishing Basics: Get the Reel Information

Like many players, I didn’t think I’d like fishing in Guild Wars 2 as much as I do. It’s dynamic compared to other gathering types and has many more achievements. It was a great addition to the game with the End of Dragons expansion. Since it is more dynamic, it has a bit more nuances to think about, so let’s get to it and get you fishing like a pro!

Cast ‘em Out & Reel ‘em In

Once you get to Cantha, one of your first hearts get you fishing with a rod (+25 Fishing Power), starting lures, and bait. You equip your fishing rod using the default key bind J then equip the lure and bait. You can fish after using up your lure or bait, but you must have at least one of them equipped. Each adds to the fishing power that you will need to catch fish in an area, you’ll notice that regions require different fishing power. The higher your fishing power, the larger your slider is making it easier to line up to the moving fish.


Currently, there are five lure types, each granting a different fishing power. I’ll get to fishing power later. Lures are purchased from fishing supply vendors. The first lure you have access to is the wooden lure with +50 fishing power. Antique fishing lures grant +75. Unlocking Arborstone “Base of Operation” allows you to buy the +100 Amber lure. Once you unlock the Dragons End map, the fishing supply vendor sells Jade Lures that grant +100 fishing power. The gem store offers a quality of life improvement with the infinite fishing lure that gives +100 fishing power and never runs out.



Each region has bait that attracts its native fish. Regional bait always has a +100 Fishing Power. Visiting a fishing supply vendor in that region will sell those baits individually and in bulk. Buying 10 in bulk will give you a max stack of 250 to minimize trips to the vendor, as there is only one vendor per region. There are a total of 14 different types of bait, including Mackerel. Mackerel, unlike other bait, has a +150 Fishing Power and is a wild for attracting fish. Some fish only favor mackerel. It is best to use mackerel during the Dusk & Dawn periods since you can attract both Day & Night fish during these brief game times.


To find out which bait to use and where to fish, review Fishing Achievements. I recommend starting right in Seitung Province where you start fishing. It requires the lowest fishing power and is easy to get around with plenty of nodes nearby. You can even jump in on a fishing derby in the Eastern Wilds, which both progresses the nearby heart and yields the usually even rewards!

Hovering over the Fugu Fish reveals that it can be found in Shore Nodes, prefers shrimpling bait, and can be caught during the daytime. I have found it easiest to focus on a node or bait type and farm for the achievement. I’ll cover this in some regional guides later.

Master of the Fishes

Completing your Fishing Mastery track, so going to be your next step in increasing your fishing power. For each mastery you complete you get +20 fishing power in addition to the skills you unlock. After they are all complete you end up with +100 fishing power. “Fishing Hole Master,” the first mastery, reduces the time to catch fish which is helpful when you’re trying to fill the bar. The third mastery “Fishing on a Full Tank” is an easy fishing bonus. As long as you have a nourishment buff active you get +100 fishing power. Additionally, if you have eaten food that offers a fishing power buff, you gain that as well! It is easy at this point to have Fishing Power high enough for the toughest of regions.

Fishing parties are also beneficial. Once you unlock “Fishing Party” on your Skiff Mastery Track, giving you a bonus based on the amount of fish you have collectively caught. If you are in a party, the captain of the skiff is the only one who needs to have the mastery for the rest of the party or squad to benefit. Once the stack hits 99, you may leave, jump in your own skiff, and carry the buff with you as long as you stay in the party/squad. You’ll find fishing alone will start stacks as well. For an additional boost, complete the fishing heart daily in the Eastern Wilds and purchase “Tips on Fishing” for 1,050 karma, granting a bonus +50 fishing power for an hour.

So long and thanks for all the fish?

You might be wondering what use the fish you catch might have aside from achievements. After catching, convert your fish to materials. Each rarity level yields a fillet of the same rarity, with a chance to drop other crafting materials at the higher rarities. Fillets go in material storage and are used for cooking. You also need to use fish to feed your Siege Turtle for one of the stages. Legendary fish also drop Chunks of Ancient Ambergris, which sell for a nice amount of gold and are needed for 3rd Generation Legendaries

This should get you started. You’ll be a “Cod Swimming Amongst Mere Minnows” in no time!

Credit to Guild Wars 2 Wiki for information