Guild Wars 2 - Don't be a Guppy in New Kaineng City

After Seitung, the next natural place to level up your fishing skills is New Kaineng City. Fishing power here ranges from 150 to 250, which is doable while still working on completing the fishing masteries. It might even be worth picking up the “Tips on Fishing” before heading over for an extra hour of +50 fishing power. You will have 175 fishing power from the rod, wooden lure, and bait alone. Tips on fishing will put you at 225, making you still short for catching fish of higher rarity.

Vendors Enhanced

Now that you’ve made it to Kaineng, you have access to the fishing vendors who sell Antique Fishing Lures (+75). If you’ve unlocked The later End of Dragon’s Maps, you have access to higher-tier lures with +100 that can max your base fishing to 225. In addition, if you have the quality of life Infinite Lure (like unbreakable tools), you will also have +100 fishing power and not have to worry about running out. If you took Tips on Fishing, you would have 275, making you geared up to catch the big one.

Fishing Power

Mackerel will also get you closer, but it is quite a bit more expensive than the Shrimplings and Sardines most of the map’s fish prefer. Mackerel either costs five fine fish fillets from Fishmongers or is caught by chance while fishing. Mackerel is also the preference for two of the legendary fish, so it might be worth it to fish with Mackerel for a little while until you have caught the Bluefin Tuna and Swordfish.

The Fish

New Kaineng also has 21 unique fish for the collection. In the area surrounding the docks, you will find Coastal nodes. There are 9 fish caught exclusively in these nodes. The 6 Channel fish can be caught in the Channel nodes that are in the waterways running through the city. The remaining 6 fish have no preference or can only be caught outside of nodes. When hunting the ones that prefer open water, I make it a habit to throw an extra cast after I exhaust the node.

This area does not have a loop like Seitung where you can get both types of nodes in one circle. I usually focus on one type of node at a time. I try to stay near where the Tournaments start for easy achievement points and karma gain. If you want to learn more about the breakdown of fishing power, see my post on Fishing Basics!

Credit to Guild Wars 2 Wiki for information