Happy ThanksGaming: Solo Holiday Edition

To those of us in America, Thanksgiving holds a lot of meaning to a lot of folks. Some good, some bad. For me, it has always been about family and everyone getting together (putting aside any family friction), enjoying a good meal, and giving thanks together. I can still taste my aunt’s chocolate cream pie and amazing deviled eggs. It’s always been about the sides for me!

This year I have been affected by COVID and will not join my family for Thanksgiving in person, but will be there in spirit and a FaceTime love fest. It’s different than before, the whole family doesn’t get together anymore. Branches of our family tree have parted a bit since my grandmother passed, the base that held us together. In addition, with marriages and kids entering the picture for many members, the gatherings would be quite large! Thanksgiving is still a precious holiday for me no matter how different it looks.

This isn’t what I had planned for Thanksgiving, however, it has given me time to think about what I am thankful for (as well as write this post!).

I don’t come from a gaming family, but usually join some good friends for dessert and games in the evening, since we have a late afternoon gathering. I will miss this tradition this year, but I am thankful to have these friends with whom we had been planning on continuing the tradition this year! Since I will be solar this year, I’ll be having a simple Thanksgiving for One meal and playing some Guild Wars 2, with some friends joining me online later. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and Give Thanks!