What is Piece Meal?

Have you ever flipped through books, scrolled through Pinterest, or scoured your favorite blogs to find just what you want to make for dinner? I certainly have. And then rinsed, lathered, and repeated to find the perfect sides to serve with it. I’ve searched to the point where I passed dinner time and ordered take out! There are only so many hours in the day.

With Piece Meal posts, I will save us all some time and share with you a meal I put together. Since I’ve already done the searching and pairing I might as well share the wealth. I think we can all use a little more time in our day to focus on the more important things in life. Spending time with family or friends. Gaming. Even if it is virtually. I know I’m always thankful to make one less decision after making them all day at work, so maybe some of you are too.