Why Fare Game?

My name is Jennifer and I am a food lover and a gamer. Thanks for hanging out.

Similar to many folks out there I have found myself feeling disconnected from people and spending a lot of time in my own world. Thriving during a pandemic has been a challenge. Writing about things I enjoy feels like the right creative outlet to connect with people and possibly help others connect. I’m a lover of many things but two things I get genuinely excited about are food and games. Here I go, directing that positive energy out into the world.

Picture of Jennifer
Photo of Jennifer and Cat

Why food? Growing up, most of the food I ate was slathered with ketchup and very simple. Around the age of 20, my food awakening began with a course I took in college. I will fill you in more on my history with food in a later post. I fell in love with flavors, techniques, and smells. There were many moments of improvising along the way. In fact, until recently I have been using forks instead of a pastry blender for crusts and biscuits. Whatever works, know you will get no judgment from me.

In 2016, I moved back to my hometown, in rural Vermont, from the suburbs of Chicago. Quite the change of atmosphere as you can imagine. I connected with a face from the past who introduced me to gaming. I’m a people person and games have been a great way of meeting people. Gaming keeps my problem-solving skills sharp and really just fun. I’ve needed to get more creative during the pandemic, with face-to-face interactions being at the minimum. Through online communities, platforms, and game events, I’ve been able to keep connected.

Food and games bring people together and that is the core of why I am drawn to them. I look forward to the journey of exploring my two favorite activities deeper and sharing the joy I find in them with the world. Thank you for checking out Fare Game!

In addition to food and games some of my other interests include hiking, movies & TV, and spending time with Family & Friends.